Redemption Baptist Church – Mission Ministry


Through the support of the church, we envision to follow the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by sending out fully equipped servants of the Lord Jesus Christ to spread the true gospel and to make disciples followers of Christ. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, we will be Christ’s witnesses not only to our community but to the world (Acts 1:8). Through this ministry, we hope to

  • Raise awareness about the reality of the unsaved world
  • Foster an appropriate understanding about the true essence of missionary work
  • Create opportunities to serve in the mission field
  • Spark a series of activities to promote the mission ministry


Your financial support will be greatly appreciated for the mission trip. This trip will cost around $1,000 per person which includes airline tickets, lodging, transportation, food, airport tax, and supplies for our service projects. If you feel that this is something you can or would like to be part of it would be greatly appreciated and used for the glory of God. You can make checks out to Redemption Baptist Church indicating that your gift is for the Mission trip to Haiti.