Music Ministry

Pastor Larose

Because of its unique ability to give expression to a vast array of emotions felt by human beings, music has always played a vital role in the life of God’s people down through the ages. This explains why at Redemption Baptist Church music is held in such a high regard and is treated accordingly. The music ministry headed by Rev. Hubermann Larose has a twofold objective: edification and evangelization. The former is directed toward the body of Christ – the believers, and the latter is aimed at the unsaved.

We have six musical formations to carry out that objective.

  • The R.B.C. choirThe Redemption Baptist Church Choir – is under the direction of Pastor Larose; it sings every first Sunday of the month.
  • The Young Adult choir, under the direction of Brother Rolney Duverny, sings on second Sundays.
  • The Ladies’ and the Men’s choirs, conducted by Pastor Larose, minister to the church on third and forth Sundays respectively.
  • The children’s choir is split into two age groups: the children ages 4-8 are under the direction of Sister Yoline Elfrard whom the children have nicknamed Miss E; and the children ages 9-12 sing under the direction of Sister Clara Jasmin.
  • The Redemption Baptist Church Band that was founded by its present maestro, Brother Elie Pierre, performs on selected fifth Sunday mornings and Sunday nights.

We have not left out what Pastor Larose delights in calling the “big choir”, namely the congregation. At Redemption Baptist Church, we want the congregation to sing as best as possible. For that matter, we set aside 30 minutes every Wednesday night from the Bible study time to train the congregation to sing properly. Pastor Larose and Brother Duverny, the church organist, are working together to make Redemption Baptist Church one of the best singing congregations.