RBC Prayer Ministry Without prayer in the Christian life there can be no fellowship with the Lord or power for testimony in our lives. Prayer is the life-breath of the Christian. God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. We respond to Him through prayer and praise. It has been said that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. Prayer is our direct line with heaven. Prayer is a communication process that allows us to talk to God! He wants us to communicate with Him, like a person-to-person phone call.

Jesus set the perfect example of obedience in prayer. Although His day was filled from morning to night with many pressures and responsibilities — He made prayer a top priority. If Jesus was so dependent upon His fellowship in prayer alone with His Father, how much more you and I should spend time alone with God.

How do I pray?

In Matthew 6:5-13, Jesus is teaching on prayer. Looking through this passage could be a great mini-study for you. Look at the different elements of Jesus’ instructed prayer and suggest it as a model for your own prayers:

  1. v. 9 Praise and adore the Father
  2. v. 10 Ask that God’s will be done
  3. v. 11 Ask for what we need
  4. v. 12 Confession of our sin
  5. v. 13 Ask for God’s help as we are tempted

For further examples of prayer in Scripture, please read the passages below. And may God bless you in your desire to draw closer to Him in prayer.

  1. Worship Psalm 92:5
  2. Confession Psalm 51:1-4
  3. Dedication 2 Chronicles 6:40-42
  4. Intercession 1 Timothy 2:1-8
  5. Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:12, 18
  6. Fasting Acts 14:23
  7. Thanksgiving Philippians 4:6
  8. Healing James 5:13-15

The purpose of the Redemption Baptist Church prayer ministry is to actively encourage and promote prayer within the life of the church. By being open and responsive to the working of the Holy Spirit, we pray that God’s love, guidance and healing power would be released for the benefit of His people and to His glory.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5: 14 – 15.

  • Cri de Minuit (Midnight Cri) on Friday night at 9:00 PM- 12:00 Midnight
  • Fasting day on Tuesday at 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
  • Third Tuesday night of each month (intercessory prayer for our children’s salvation) at 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM