The presence of women is paramount to the smooth running of an institution. Jesus understood that, and that explains why he surrounded himself with a handful of women who ministered to him wherever he went (Luc 8: 2-3). At Redemption Baptist Church such an understanding led to the creation of the Women’s Ministry as soon as the church was founded.
Our goal is two-fold: firstly, we want to help strengthen the lives of the women of Redemption Baptist Church by strengthening their walk with the Lord; secondly, we want to bring them together for fellowship, encouragement, discipleship, and service.
We encourage our women to model godliness in the church, the home, the workplace, and the community where they live. Our desire is for our women to grow in their relationship with God and to use their spiritual gifts, talents and abilities to serve Christ.
We put together a number of activities to reach our two-fold goal. We have devotional moments where we pray and listen to instructions from the Word of God brought by those among us who are blessed with the gift of preaching. We organize banquets at special occasions like Christmas and Valentines Day. We also organize outings to Orlando and other cities of Florida and Georgia.
We meet every Friday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Come enjoy the laughter, the warmth and the fellowship that makes the members look forward to the next meeting.