Pastor Eden McGuffie

RBC Guest Speaker

  • Rev. Eden McGuffie is the senior pastor of Philadelphia Evangelical Church of Montreal, Canada for the past 17 years.
  • He is a well-known messenger of the Word of God in the Evangelical world in Canada and abroad.
  • He graduated from the Theological Seminary of New-York with a Master of Divinity
  • Earned a Bachelor of Art at New Rochelle College of New-York
  • Diploma in Mission Work at Trinity Theological Seminary
  • Training in Legal Services at St Peter’s College of New Jersey.
  • He is presently working on his Doctorate Ph D. at Lynchburg University in Pennsylvania.

Dr. J. Abède Alexandre
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Pastor Peguy Justafort
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Pastor Jean Marc Desire
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Pastor Joubert Saint Juste
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Pastor Mariot Valcin
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Pastor Saint-Ange Monestime
Guest Speaker
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RBC’s Pastors
Redemption Baptist Church’s Pastors
This category contains a list of pastors at redemption Baptist Church.

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