Pastor Hector Clerveaux


1990 – 2015

A milestone in our journey toward eternity

It seems like yesterday that a small group was gathered to begin a new salvation mission in Pompano. The Redemption Baptist church is entering its 25th anniversary in reaching the lost souls for Christ, and preparing citizens for heaven. We want to thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon our congregation throughout these twenty five years of ministry. The impact of the church in the lives of people of our community is tremendous. By the grace of God, we have seen the growth, the transformation and dedication in the lives of our members. The good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for that community of believers to remain in harmony thus far. We praise God for all his goodness and mercy toward our congregation. We remain confident that God will walk with us until the end of the journey.

We are calling on all the leadership and members to renew our efforts to defend our spiritual gains, and maintaining the same positive Christian environment.

As we are turning that page of our history, we will continue to reach the losts and take care of the flock of Christ.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes toward God and those who have contributed to the success of Redemption Baptist Church in our community. We pray that our leaders and members will renew their efforts and energy to continue the work started with passion for the glory of God and the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.

It is with great pleasure that we invite our friends to help us celebrate that 25th anniversary. We are offering a valuable program with great spiritual food for a full week. Ample time is scheduled for praise, worship, thanksgiving and prayer. In addition, all the choirs and groups of the church will be singing during the week of anniversary.

The program will start on Sunday, July 12 through July 19, each night at 7:00 PM. The 25th anniversary celebration will be on Sunday, July 19, at 11:00 AM. We will conclude the celebration Sunday night with a total praise service.

Our guest speaker for the entire week is one of the best expositors of the Word of God in the Haitian community at large: Rev. Jean Marc Désiré, a friend of the church.

Happy anniversary to all the members and friends of Redemption Baptist Church!

Please come and share our joy!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux

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