Pastor Hector Clerveaux

Be Grateful!

Text: “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?” Luke 17:17

Scripture: Luke 17: 12-19

Introduction. Gratefulness is a rare commodity among men. Many people take for granted the benefits of God, their families and their friends. One of the major complaints in our present time is the ungratefulness of children vis-à-vis their parents. I am also sure that God is not pleased with us in that area. Any grateful and right minded person has to stop sometimes to count his blessings, and thank God and all their benefactors for all their benefits toward him. The passage mentioned above sets forth an excellent example of the proper attitude a person should have after a major intervention of God. Christians specially ought to be more grateful for the greater benefits God bestows upon us. Let us consider that great miracle operated by Jesus for these ten desperate men.

A. Physical benefits – Luc 17: 12 -13
Living in a world of materialism, we are prone to count our blessings by taking inventory of the material goods we have accumulated. However, physical health is one of the most important benefits a person can receive from God. You will not realize it until you are no longer capable of enjoying the materials because of health issues. The type of sickness suffered by these ten men removed them from their families and society. Leprosy was a disease of the skin caused by a particular bacteria: “Mycobacterium leprae.” It attacks the entire body and the nerves, with sore and an intermittent pain from head to toe. In the Old Testament to the time of Christ, lepers were shunned and often forced to live in leper colonies among others with the same disease.
In verse 13, we heard the cry of despair and pain by a chorus: “… Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” I believe that there was suspense in the air, not knowing what will be the response of the Master. Probably, they heard about the miracle received by the single leper in Matt. 8 verse 2. That information gives them the courage to request their own miracle. However, they were ten – Can the Master do something?

B. Request of health granted – Luke 17: 14
Jesus said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” Their miracle was automatic. Jesus did not only bestow health, but He also returned them back to society and their families. The gift was so important that nine of the beneficiaries forgot the GIVER. As required by the law, the leper has to be examined by a priest, in order to be declared clean after examination. (Leviticus 12). We can all speculate that these nine did not even go to see a priest. The reaction of the single grateful leper gives us reason to believe that declaration. As his healing was automatic, so his act of gratefulness. “…When he saw that he was healed, returned…” (v.15) , Remember that Jesus was in his way to Jerusalem, and passed through Samaria. (v.11).
_That single grateful leper teaches us a major lesson. Thanksgiving will come from a person who realizes that:

  1. My situation was bad, and I was desperate
  2. I don’t deserve what I received from God
  3. The Lord is the Author of my breakthrough/deliverance

C. Gratefulness is expected/ rewarded – Luke 17: 17-18
In the relationship between God and the Israelites, He always reminded them not to take for granted the blessings that He bestowed on them. In the Book of Deuteronomy, many chapters are consecrated to remind them that God is expecting gratefulness and Thanksgiving.
The question of Jesus regarding the nine others should tell us of his expectation when He does something for us. “…Where are the nine…” (V. 17), The same question can be asking about many of us today.

D. That grateful man was rewarded with something far better than health.
He received the salvation of his soul; it is the greatest benefit a man can receive from God. Sometime, our financial hardship, poor health or other difficulties of life may tend to cloud that great benefit. Jesus once said to his followers: “What will it profit a man if has the whole world, and loses his soul…” Matt. 16:26. Jesus said: “Arise, go your way. Your faith has saved
You.” (V. 19)

Conclusion. A grateful heart should always thank God all his benefits toward me. Often, we fall into the category of the nine ungrateful. We, Christians, should thank Him daily. Surely, God has been good to all of us to motivate us to give Him praise and Thanksgiving. We should all follow the example of that Samaritan. Let us fall down at his feet and give him thanks. BE GRATEFUL!!!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux