Pastor Hector Clerveaux[push h=”20″]


Easter 2010

Text: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25

Scripture: John 11: 17-25
The desire to live and prolong life is the obsession of our present world. It is rare to open our television not to see a commercial in which the scientists of our days are not offering a new pill to alleviate or cure our ailments. Health club, new medicines, and natural products are promoting as ways of conquering death. The instinct for survival makes the fear and prevention of death a daily preoccupation of mankind. Man tries to defend himself psychologically in many ways against this increasing fear of death and the inability to foresee and protect himself against it. However, mankind cannot remove that curse brought to us by Adam and Eve. Only Jesus Christ can conquer death and provide everlasting life to a craving world.

  1. Man’s appetite for life. Gen.2: 8-17
    The Book of Genesis presents the origin of man and the eternal plan that God has made for us. In God’s heart was the eternal bliss for his most beautiful creation. Man was created to live eternally, with all his needs met by our Creator. We were created in the likeness of God and possessed the ability of the eternal youth in our body. We were born to live and enjoy life to its fullness, forever and ever. The paradise lost remains a dream to be recaptured by every man in our planet. However, since the violation of the Edenic Covenant by our forefathers Adam and Eve, life becomes a shadow. When people think that they are chasing the good life, it disappears right before their eyes. There are a variety of ways in which we realize that life is sudden. For many of us it takes an earthquake, for others a tragedy. The sentence pronounced by God on Adam and Eve affects all their descendants. “…For dust you are and to dust you will return.”(Gen.3:19b) Nevertheless, the nostalgia and the desire to recapture the ‘pre-sin’ plan of God remain part of our make-up and the dream of our society.
  2. Abundant life through Jesus Christ. John 11: 25
    When reading that passage, we may jump to the conclusion that Jesus was talking about life after death. However, Christ was presenting Himself as sustainer and provider of life in the present. Jesus declares: “I have come that my sheep may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10b) Life has two stages: present and future. They are part of the package of the ‘Life Insurance’ provided by Jesus Christ to his followers.a.  Life begins when we are able to take hold of what has been given to us at conversion, and to run with it.
    b.  Life begins when fear and joy, that odd couple of human existence, enable us despite the one and because the other to get on with serious and glorious business of living and serving God.
    c.  Life begins when we realize that we do not have to die to live, we can begin it right now, right here.
    d.  Life begins when we realize that by removing the fear of death, Christ has given us the full possession of eternal life.When Jesus was talking to Martha and Mary about life, they were thinking about the future, while Christ was in the present. The resurrection of Lazarus was an example of the power of Christ to give and extend life here on earth. Thus to enjoy abundant life, we must defeat the fear of death. It is not death that lurks in the background it is the fear of death. As Christians, we have to consider death as a toothless bulldog.
  3. Everlasting coverage through the resurrection of Christ. John 11: 25-26
    The declaration of Jesus to Martha was not understood for the simple fact that she was living in the other side of resurrection. Christ was still among them as a friend of the family. The message of everlasting coverage did not register with Mary and Martha yet. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (Jn.11: 25-26)
    The message of everlasting life made sense to the family of Lazarus on Sunday morning in front of the tomb of Jesus. To make that point, God did not begin Easter Sunday as a gradual triumph of dawn over darkness; rather God begins with an earthquake. “And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.” (Matt.28:2) The message of that angel is comforting to Christ’s followers. “You have nothing to fear.” What a blessed assurance!
    Christians can face tomorrow with confidence because of the empowerment of our raising Savior. His promises are trustworthy. Because Christ lives, we can also live in the power and the spirit of the resurrection.a. The resurrection assures full coverage here and beyond. John 5:24
    b. The resurrection provides motivation for Christian service. I Co. 15: 58
    c. The resurrection produces confident in our Savior. John 5: 21
    d. The resurrection gives strength to face our adversities. John 14: 1-3

Conclusion. Jesus has not simply conquered death, but Jesus has redeemed life so that you and I can live it here and now, in all its fullness. Christians do not need to wait until we die in order to enjoy life. Because Jesus lives, we too may live, with as much time as God gives us, free from fear of the past, free from fear of the future. Jesus went to the grave, we need not fear the grave; He has gone into the future; we need not fear the future. Our Lord Jesus Christ goes before us blazing a path for us to follow; we can walk with confidence regardless of the present circumstances. We have ‘Life Insurance’ in Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen! and Amen!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux