Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Happy New Year  – 2011

Text: “But now, Lord, What do I look for? My hope is in you” (Ps. 39:8).

Scripture: Psalm 39:1 – 8

Introduction. Year 2010 was a trying time for many people around the World, particularly for Haitians. We are not out of the desert of trouble as up the last day of the year. We search for peace in the midst of storms. We are in need of strength for dealing with tragedies and catastrophes. Have we developed a plan for dealing with the perils that lurk along life’s path?

Most of us have health or disability insurance for medical emergencies and automobile insurance for car accidents. We have homeowner’s insurance in case of theft or fire and life insurance to sustain our family when we die. But what about spiritual insurance?

Many people labor under the impression that if you love God and try to do right, trouble will never come your way. Having this philosophy can be disturbing when trouble does come. Moving toward the end of time, everything seems to be out of balance. How do you cope with these problems?

A. Warnings against false solutions to trouble. Ps.39:1
The Psalmist was making plan for his conduct. His goal was to live a good and righteous life not only before his enemies that lurk around, but also before God. “I will watch my ways and my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence.” (Ps.39:1) However, our effort is not enough to keep us out of trouble. We must commit our way unto the Lord. We must give our will, our desires, and our plans to the Lord and ask for his guidance. Our trouble often results from following our own ways rather than the Lord’s. Trouble comes in so many ways that our pre-conceived ideas or plans are not always adequate. The Psalmist discovers his inadequacy in verses 2 and 3 of the same chapter.
In order to walk in God’s ways, we must walk in the Spirit that our thoughts might become his thoughts and our ways, his ways.

B. Prepare for the unpredictable. Ps.39:4-6
The quest to know the future dominates the mind of man. At the beginning of that New Year, many people are going to consult their Psychic to know what tomorrow will be like. The fear of tomorrow always consumed the energy of Christians and non-Christians alike. The fact, that we were created by God to live forever, causes the reality of physical death, one of the most troublesome concerns of mankind. David changes his concern from the physical enemies to face death, the worst enemy of all. Facing the reality that we are all mortal, David wants to know his life’s end. “Show me, O Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life?” (Ps.39:4)
God did not answer David’s question, because He wants us to be at peace, even though we are walking daily through the valley of the shadow of death. Our departure for eternity is unpredictable, but our destination is well assured for those in Christ Jesus.

C. Our hope is the Lord. Ps.39:7b
Regardless of what tomorrow may bring forth, the servants of God should trust in his everlasting promises, purpose, Word and power. The intensity of our trust determines the possibility of peace in time of trouble. David realizes that tomorrow is in God’s hand; no amount of fear will change the outcome of life. “But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.” (Ps.39:7) There is never a time when God is not working on behalf of his children. In the darkest moments we can be sure that he is at work.

– God’s promises for those who trust in the time of trouble.
He promises securityHe promises satisfactionHe promises joyHe promises hope.

Conclusion. Let us not live our lives in fear of trouble that may never come. And let us not be naïve as to believe that if we love the Lord no trouble will come our way. Rather, let us develop a faith in the Lord’s person, presence, promise, and power so that we shall be stabilized and victorious if trouble does come this year.

Happy New Year to all the members and friends of Redemption Baptist Church!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux