Pastor Pericles “Perry” Tima

Associate Pastor

  • Was born in Baltimore, MD.
  • Grew up in Cap Haitian, Haiti and South Florida.
  • Is married to Nerlange P. Tima. 
  • Has three children: Perry Jeremiah, Neriah Rose, and Kyle Joseph.
  • Graduated from Geneva College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Ministry.
  • Graduated from Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity.
  • Is currently a Doctoral candidate at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
  • Is a certified Sexual Risk Avoidance Educator (SRAE).
  • Served as Associate Pastor at First Shiloh Baptist Church, NJ.
  • Serves as Associate-Pastor of Youth & Young Adults, and Children & Family ministries at Redemption Baptist Church.
  • Enjoys reading and watching sports