Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Marry Christmas – 2008

Luke 1: 1-16

One of the most important verses in the New Testament is found in the Gospel of John. It is recited by Christians and non-Christians alike. It also presents the motive of an all-sufficient God to come down to earth as a baby to live among us.

“For God so love the World that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) It was a plan of rescue made by God from the beginning of time after the sin of Adam and Eve, because He loves us too much. The Word (God) was made “flesh” John 1:14. The Good News was heralded by the prophets of the Old Testament with such particular specifications in other for us not to be fooled by the deceivers or the pretenders of our time. I am inviting you to a brief Christmas study from the Old to the New Testament.

A. The exact place of birth by Micah (Mic.5:2)

The prophecy of Micah was written many years before the birth of Christ, around the VIII century B.C (740 and 687). However, there was no mistake as far as the location, the town, and the time. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to me the One to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.”(Mic. 5:2) Bethlehem (house of bread) is a city of prophecy, history, and mystery.

Without any doubt, this is one of the clearest, convincing and most striking piece of evidence of who Jesus Christ is. He is the true bread of life by location of birth as we will see in the Gospel.

B. The fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy in the New Testament (Luke 2: 4, 8-11)

The identification of the true Messiah was not only important to the Jew by the manner of birth, but also the location provided by prophecies. It is generally agreed that prophecy taught and treasured by every devout Jew was that of Micah 5:2. When the Magi came to Jerusalem seeking the new born King, Herod and all his people were deeply troubled. He inquired from the chief priests and scribes of where the Christ was to be born (Matt.2:4). They replied without hesitation “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet” (Matt. 2:5). The Gospel of Luke presents the place, the time, and a sign that are associated with God’s visitation to earth in the person of Christ.

C. The Virgin Conception (Isaiah 7:14) (Matt. 1:18-23)

In order to save others from sin, that savior should be sinless. From Adam to the last person that will be born of man, the Bible declares: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”(Rom. 3:23) The birth of a Savior could not and will never be the result of sexual relationship between one man and a woman. Isaiah, the prophet indicates the manner of birth. “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The fulfillment of that prophecy is found word for word in three of the four gospels. Matthew found it very important not only to present the manner of conception, but also the place of birth “Bethlehem” Matt. 2:1. Jesus, the only Savior of the World, has a sure Biblical platform to stand on, in order to accomplish the rescue mission from sin.

Conclusion – As followers of Christ, do not let ourselves entangle in the celebration style of the worldly. Do not waste our time neither fighting over a specific date. Praise God! Two thousand years ago, Im-man’-u-el came down to reconcile us with God. Let us rejoice and be merry in that remembrance.

Merry Christmas!!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux