Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Happy Anniversary

1990 – 2014

Redemption Baptist church is celebrating another anniversary. From its humble beginning in 1990 to the present, the church remains a beacon in our community. Jesus, the Founder of this congregation, is always present with us in an unseen way. So far, our church survives for over 24 years from the assault of the enemy. We remain confident that our congregation will remain steadfast in its mission because Jesus is alive. He is imminent. It is in this community of faith, among those who have found the new life in Christ, among those who have tasted the hope of the future, that we find this living Christ who will see to it that Redemption Baptist church survives and is relevant.

We are fully aware that the church from Pentecost has never been perfect, nor will it ever be. But we thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for leading us so far. We also aware that our church is not a group of people who have discovered how to live the perfect life, but a group of people who have confessed their spiritual sickness and have been called together in Christ to find healing and to share it. At Redemption, we are striving to be the light that Christ calls us to be among ourselves and in our community. Thus far, we thank God for his faithfulness and love toward us.

Our prayer for this new anniversary and for the years ahead is that:

  1. The leaders and members of our congregation continue to live harmoniously
  2. Our church continues to be relevant in this modern age
  3. We remain steadfast in the truth
  4. We spend our days calling people to Christ and living out his kind of life in this world
  5. We never forget the poor here and in our homeland
  6. We cultivate true brotherly love

We are inviting our friends in the community to join with us in celebrating 24 years of service to the Almighty God.
Pastor J. Abede Alexandre will share with us the Word of God during the entire week. We will begin our celebration on Sunday 13th – 19th of July, 2014. Service time is 7:30 – 9:30 every night.

Pastor Hector Clerveaux