Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Happy New Year 2014

Text: Luc 13:6-9

As pastor, I am discovering how the December 31th service is changing year after year. People are not making any resolution to do anything for God, because for the past years they have not been faithful to their promises. However, God is expecting of us production. We have been planted in the vineyard of God; we have to bring forth fruit. In Isaiah’s parable Israel is the vineyard (Isa. 5: 1-7). Instead of producing a harvest for the glory of God, the people had drifted into nonchalance and moral bankruptcy. Because of their refusal, many calamities were in store for them: “Now let me tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will tear down its hedges and let it be destroyed. I will break down its walls and let the animals trampled it.” (Isa.5:5). In the parable of the barren fig tree of Luc, Jesus leaves a similar message to us Christians. We have one more opportunity to bear fruit to the glory of God this year. We have to bear fruit, because:

A. God owns us. Luke 13:6

Sometimes we forget that only God has the deed of life. He is the absolute owner of every person, the heavens and the earth. In our rebellious mind, we sometimes forget that He is in control. The things that keep us so barren still belong to God. The Psalmist said: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him” (Ps.24:1). If the world doesn’t recognize the ownership of God, the Christians should think differently.
In the world of agriculture, a fig tree should never be planted in a vineyard. But God in his infinite love had chosen to place us, Gentiles, among his people. “Once we were far away from God, but now we have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ” (Eph.2:13). The privilege of being part of the family of God requires of us that we produce fruit.

B. God has the right to expect fruit. Luke 13: 7

The fact that the Owner comes for three consecutive years indicates that he was expecting fruit, and knows that the Fig Tree could produce. We believe that the tree receives the same nourishment and care as the vine. The great question is why the vine is producing fruit, and the Fig Tree remains barren? It is not hard to answer when we look at our churches. All of us receive gifts and talents at conversion, but few people are using them to bear fruit to the glory of God.
The vineyard is producing fruit because it abides in the soil, receiving and making good use of the fertilizer and water provided by the gardener. It is a disappointment not only to the owner, but also to the gardener when a fruit tree is barren. “Cut it down. It’s just taking up place in the garden”(v.7b)

C. The patience of God. Luke 13: 8-9

For many of us, there should not be a fourth chance for a ‘lazy, parasite and loser’ tree. Because of the intercession of the gardener, the owner consented to give the Fig Tree one more year of opportunity. Many Christians have nothing to show for the past years. Through the intercession of Christ, our mediator, God is extending his patient toward us. He is given us a new year to be fruitful. Let us take advantage of the goodness and patience of God, because there is a limit to his patience.

Conclusion. Each New Year brings us closer to our final destination. The fact that we cannot carry our earthly investments to heaven, we should spend time in producing things that are eternal. The unsaved about us are condemned to spend eternity in hell. It is our responsibility to reach them before it’s too late. Get involved in your local church, your community and anywhere you can make a difference, and be fruitful to the glory of God. Don’t be a parasite and barren Christian. Jesus said to his disciples: “You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit…” (John 15:16)

Happy New Year to all the members and friends of Redemption Baptist Church!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux

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