Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Easter 2012

Text: I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Rev. 1:18

Scripture: Revelation 1:9 – 18

The resurrection of Christ from the tomb is something far more than an isolated event of the past that has no significance or meaning for today. Even though it happens more than two thousand years, the resurrection is still considered as a present reality by which man must live and act today. Certain act of great man of history is mentioned in past tense, but the resurrection of Christ from the dead covers the past, the present and the future. The empty tomb contained an everlasting message that was vitally necessary for people of his time, our time, and for every age until Christ returns to take his people home.

I. Understand the resurrection through the cross. John 12:24
As Jesus was about to finish his ministry on earth, he began to prepare his disciples for his ultimate mission that would take him to the cross. The concept of sacrificial and substitutionary death was not understood by the disciples. They did everything to prevent Christ from entering Jerusalem, because they knew the Jews wanted to kill him. When Jesus told his followers that the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law are planning to kill him, Peter stood in opposition. He took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Matt. 16:22. In spite of their opposition, Jesus persisted in his plan to go to Jerusalem. For Christ, the cross was the way to accomplish the mission of salvation and the defeat of death. He wanted to explain to his disciples the meaning of his death on the cross. “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24

A. In the agenda of the disciples, the death of Christ was a great personal sorrow.
They have invested three years of their lives in the ministry with Christ. They had become deeply devoted to him during their days together. They left everything to follow him everywhere. His death on the cross was a crushing blow to their hearts.
B. In the agenda of the disciples, the death of Christ was a great disappointment.
From the beginning, they saw in Christ the king promised to the children of Israel. They were ready to reestablish the kingdom of David. The manifestation of the power of Christ through miracles and wonders convinced them that He was able to conquer the world. They were hoping for position of prominence in his government. All their hopes and dreams were dashed by the crucifixion.
C. In the agenda of the disciples, the death of Christ was a tragedy.
Christ bad been publicly condemned as a criminal. Death by crucifixion was the ultimate indignity that someone can be subjected to during that time. Even though Christ was preparing his disciples for the ultimate sacrifice that would be the way of salvation of the world, they could not see the fairness of such a punishment. Jesus said: “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3:14-15. The message of Christ did not register with the disciples, because in all fairness, the good Master did not deserve such a treatment.

II. The resurrection of Christ proves his deity
The disciples had witnessed the shameful treatment of Christ by his enemies. Most of them fled into hiding for fear of loosing their own lives. They believed that Jesus was the unique Son of God, but they were bewildered by the manner of his death. The promise of his resurrection in the third day after his death was not too credible after all their disappointment. But, early Sunday morning, the promise becomes a reality. Paul declares in his epistle to the Romans that it was the resurrection that authenticate all the claims and promises made by Jesus. “…And who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead; Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 1:4
A. The resurrection confirmed that Jesus is the Son of God.
The divinity of Christ was no longer a matter of faith alone to the disciples; it was a fact. During one of his appearances among the disciples, after presenting the evidence of his pierced hands and side, Thomas, the doubter, was able to confirm his deity by one short statement: “My Lord and my God.” John 20:28
B. The resurrection proves that Christ is the only Savior.
Christ did not go to the cross to pay for his personal sin. He died a substitutionary death for the sin of mankind. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, presents Christ as the divine Savior who had died for our sins and arose that we may have eternal life: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance; that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” I Co.15:4-5

III. The resurrection of Christ gives his followers a companion for eternity. Rev.1:18
Jesus did not arise from the grave only to prove that He is God, although the resurrection serves as credential and the backbone of the Gospel, Christ arose from the dead to assure his followers that he would continue to be with them through it all: the ministry, trials and tribulations. His visit to John in the isle of Patmos was like a cold cup of water to a thirsty soul in a desert. John was exiled to the island for the cause of the Gospel. The resurrected and glorified Savior brought a message of hope not only to John, but to the whole Christendom of the past, present and future. “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!” Rev.1:18a

A. The resurrection guarantees protection for his followers.
At the center of true Christianity from the first disciples till Christ comes back for his church is the conviction of the abiding presence of the living Lord who had defeated sin, death and the grave. “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mt.28:20b
B. The resurrection gives power to his followers over death.
The purpose of the enemies of the Gospel in exiling John to that cold island was to kill him. Knowing both, the promises and the performance of Christ, his followers can face death with confidence that it shall have no final victory. Jesus had said to John: “I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Rev.1:18b

Conclusion. If the death of Christ is the sacrifice that satisfies the justice of a holy and righteous God, his resurrection gives victory to us over death, Satan and hell. We can walk through the valley of life without fear, because our Lord Jesus Christ knows the way. Christ rose from the dead. He is present today; let us walk with confidence regardless of our isle of Patmos circumstances. He is the Alpha and the Omega!


Pastor Hector Clerveaux