Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Happy Thanksgiving


Text: “Be joyful always; pray continually; in everything give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

All of us have developed certain habits that we are all known for. We all have some good and bad habits. Many people are well known for their ungratefulness. The word “Thank you” is not part of their vocabulary. Many of us take for granted all the benefits of God and people around us. The month of November is set aside in the USA to call people to count their blessings and to give thanks to God. Let us develop the habit of giving thanks on a daily basis.

1. The sin of ungratefulness
In the Gospel of Luke 17:11-19, we read the account of a life-saving miracle of Jesus for ten desperate men afflicted by the awful disease of leprosy. Nine of the beneficiaries never turned back to thank Jesus for their resurrection, only one did. We wonder why only one of the lepers returned to give thanks. Maybe that one had developed the habit of expressing his gratitude for good things of life. Jesus expects people to be grateful. Jesus asked, “… Where are the other nine”?
Thanksgiving is always to be expressed. Gratitude is not an option. It is a sin to be ungrateful when we consider all the benefits received from God.

2. Thanksgiving is a habit that should be learned.
The giving of thanks is an exercise that strengthens our faith in the goodness of God. We are commanded by the Apostle Paul to give thanks in ‘all circumstances.’ It is not difficult sometime to give thanks when everything is going well for us. Thanksgiving can be very expansive when we pressed by adverse circumstances of life. But if we develop the habit of giving thanks, we will find so many areas of life that we should thank God for. We must search for things around and in us to be grateful for.

3. Things to be grateful for
God wants us to develop the habit of expressing thanks, for He is glorified not by our groaning, our complaining or lamenting but our expressions of thanks.
a. Thank God for the gift of life
b. Thank God for your family
c. Thank God for your health and strength
d. Thank God for the hope of eternal life

As Christians, let us translate Thanksgiving into “Thanksliving” where we give thanks to God at all times, in all seasons and for all things.

Please join us for a week of praise, worship, and Thanksgiving – Sunday the 17th thru the 24th of November. The messenger for the entire week will be the Rev. Saint-Ange Monestime of Cap-Haitian.

Pastor Hector Clerveaux