Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Happy Thanksgiving – 2008

November is approaching with lighting speed; it is the time set aside by the people of this great nation to thank God for all the blessings bestowed on them. Will all people in our land be thankful this year in such a time like this?

We are presently living difficult and perilous time around the World. Christians and non-Christians alike are affected by the economic crisis, food shortage, and hardship facing earth inhabitants. However, the children of Yahweh, the “All sufficient God, the Provider”, can still trust Him to take good care of them.

King David, facing difficulties in his life, asked a question that is really relevant today: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Quand les fondements sont renversés, le juste que ferait-il?” Ps.11:3 He answered by reminding us that our God is enthroned, in other word, He is in control. God cares for his children, and his countenance beholds the upright.

“The just shall live by faith.” We can and should continue to lift the name of our great and unfailing God regardless of the circumstances around us.

We invite you to join with us for a week of praise, worship, and Thanksgiving.

We will begin on Sunday the 9th thru 14th of November each night. The final celebration will be on Sunday the 16th of November at 11:00 AM.


Pastor Hector Clerveaux