Pastor Hector Clerveaux


Easter – 2014

Title: Jesus Christ guarantees resurrection and eternal life

Scripture reading: John 11:25-26
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?

In a world with so many religions and so many ‘messiahs and showers-of-ways,’ people find themselves before a dilemma of choice. The questions are many: What religion and leader to follow? Aren’t all the same? Which one will lead us to a better place after all? Aren’t all claimed that their path is the best? In a world that does not believe in absolute, we would like to present to you the Lord Jesus Christ. He meets all the requirements of God to fulfil the rescue mission of mankind from the pit of hell.

A. Mankind was doomed before God.
a. The sin of our forefather Adam and Eve has created enmity between God and man. Every human being is lost as the consequence of that sin. “For in Adam all die…”  1 Co.15:22
b. The result is that man is destined to die and to spend eternity in hell away from the presence of God. Genesis 3:19, Rom. 3:23, Rom.6:23

B. God’s plan of salvation.
a. The holiness and justice of God require that the sinners should pay for their sins. But his love obliges him to spare mankind. He demonstrates his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8
b. No one else could make the sacrifice for our salvation because all have sinned. From Genesis to Malachi, God was searching for one just to accomplish the work of salvation, but He could not find even one. “God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God. All are corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Ps.14: 2-3). The Apostle Paul reports the same search for a “savior” in the Book of Romans, no man was qualified. “…Jews and Gentiles are all under sin. As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.” (Romans 3: 9-10). The Savior had to come from above.

C. Jesus is the only one qualified to save people from sin, because of:
a. His birth- He was conceived by the virtue of the Holy Ghost. Mt.1: 18
b. His life- He did not commit one sin during his earthly life. John 8:46

D. His resurrection from among the dead guarantees victory over death to His followers
a. He raised Lazarus from death after four days in the grave during his ministry. John 11:43
b. Christians rose from the graves after his resurrection. Mat.27: 51-53
c. He keeps his promises forever. “I am the resurrection…” John 11: 25-26
d. Saints of all ages will be resurrected before the tribulation. I Thes.4: 13-17

Conclusion – If you are sincere in your search for a better future, for power over death, a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the way to go. He has been tested by fire and proven to be genuine. Three days after his death, He rose from among the dead. He declares: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). Do not let yourself be fool by so-called ‘messiahs or showers-of-way’ who are still in the graves. If they cannot remove themselves from the stronghold of death, there is no reason to believe that they can help others. Jesus is alive, and He can save those who place their faith on Him. Choose Jesus!

Pastor Hector Clerveaux