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Redemption Baptist Church – Children Ministry
The Kids Ministry is devoted to the little ones in the church. The dynamic team of teachers, assistants, and helpers sows the seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of the most precious of God’s Children. Our goal is to teach the Bible and its practical applications in the life of the children, and to inculcate them with a Christ-centered worldview in a world that’s drifting away more and more from the truth. We stand on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (NKJV) We hope and pray that this become true in the life of each of these precious little ones.

Every Sunday, except for special Holidays, the kids have their own service where they are taught the Word of God through hands-on activities aimed at engraving in their memory not only the Bible stories, but also their applications in everyday living. On Wednesday nights, kids from 3rd to 5th grade have Bible Study where they learn the Word of God in an interactive context. We make use of various mediums of communication to fit the different learning styles. Thematic songs, printed material and HDTV presentations are some of the various tools that are used to maximize the children’s understanding of the Word of God.

Though the ministry has improved with 21st century equipment and resources, the main focus is for the teachers to impact the lives of the kids through caring for them and sharing the Word.

Knowing full well that “a hungry belly has no ears,” the Kids Ministry provides each one of the children with a snack in order to ensure they do not go hungry during the service.

Several kids have received Christ through the ministry and we pray and plan for more souls to be saved and discipled.